Jeśli nie możesz być poetą bądź poematem.
/David Carradine/
"If you cannot be a poet, be the poem."
/David Carradine/
(the text says):
"I used to be a queen."
30 sierpnia 2009
28 sierpnia 2009
/Lao Tzu/
"At the centre of your being you have the answer, you know who you are and you know what you want."
/Lao Tzu/
(the text says):
"how are you doing?/love story?/until you run out of breath?/coincidence or something more?/unavoidable?/shall I say?/how to cheat the time that passes?/are you bored with art?/happy?/illumination?/shall I not say?/will my dreams come true?/what's the day today?/weren't you supposed to do something for yourself?/what are the things we don't talk about?/banality?/why not?/who's right?/can your eyes lie?/a spark?/was it worth it?/exaggeration?/soul mates?/already?/what's going on?/powder-why?/what next?/you say everything is all right?/fantasy?/for sure?/why am I so tender?/what do you read?/what should we forget?/impossible?/be quiet?/an adventure un the sky?/do you know the magic formula?/didn't I say?/the only one?/is it time?/have you ever been madly in love?/tomorrow will be too late?/why not?/another whim?/I shouldn't?/do you think you can't reach for the stars?/felt butterflies?/do you wear black?/what is time?/now what?/how much can you kiss?/madness?/but what to do with the longing of the soul?/should I be more gentle?/will it go well?/what direction?/whom shall I become?/what else to say?"
/Lao Tzu/
(the text says):
"how are you doing?/love story?/until you run out of breath?/coincidence or something more?/unavoidable?/shall I say?/how to cheat the time that passes?/are you bored with art?/happy?/illumination?/shall I not say?/will my dreams come true?/what's the day today?/weren't you supposed to do something for yourself?/what are the things we don't talk about?/banality?/why not?/who's right?/can your eyes lie?/a spark?/was it worth it?/exaggeration?/soul mates?/already?/what's going on?/powder-why?/what next?/you say everything is all right?/fantasy?/for sure?/why am I so tender?/what do you read?/what should we forget?/impossible?/be quiet?/an adventure un the sky?/do you know the magic formula?/didn't I say?/the only one?/is it time?/have you ever been madly in love?/tomorrow will be too late?/why not?/another whim?/I shouldn't?/do you think you can't reach for the stars?/felt butterflies?/do you wear black?/what is time?/now what?/how much can you kiss?/madness?/but what to do with the longing of the soul?/should I be more gentle?/will it go well?/what direction?/whom shall I become?/what else to say?"
27 sierpnia 2009
"Śpiąc odnalazła swoje sny,
Śniąc odnalazła swoją ścieżkę,
Podróżując odnalazła swoje życie,
Żyjąc odnalazła swoją drogę."
"Sleeping, she found her dreams,
Dreaming, she found her path,
Travelling, she found her life,
Living, she found her way."
(the text says):
left: "And again I dream about a woolen river.
Dreams are highly individual.
A sofa: you will find a friend."
right: "Tea: drink it - a little weakness; make it - elegant company.
Canary: flying - merry news; singing - don't get tempted or lured.
Governess - be careful in what you do.
Apron: a mistake; get it - you are loved; beautiful - a gift; leather - social work; wash it - they want to control you; mend it - you should be economical; lose it - a mistake; wear it - honour.
Turkey - your family member or friend will lose his/her mind."
tag: "A key to your dreams."
Śniąc odnalazła swoją ścieżkę,
Podróżując odnalazła swoje życie,
Żyjąc odnalazła swoją drogę."
"Sleeping, she found her dreams,
Dreaming, she found her path,
Travelling, she found her life,
Living, she found her way."
(the text says):
left: "And again I dream about a woolen river.
Dreams are highly individual.
A sofa: you will find a friend."
right: "Tea: drink it - a little weakness; make it - elegant company.
Canary: flying - merry news; singing - don't get tempted or lured.
Governess - be careful in what you do.
Apron: a mistake; get it - you are loved; beautiful - a gift; leather - social work; wash it - they want to control you; mend it - you should be economical; lose it - a mistake; wear it - honour.
Turkey - your family member or friend will lose his/her mind."
tag: "A key to your dreams."
24 sierpnia 2009
22 sierpnia 2009
"Czasem najważniejszą rzeczą w ciągu całego dnia jest odpoczynek, który znajdujemy pomiędzy dwoma głębokimi oddechami."
/Etty Hillesum/
"Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths. "
/Etty Hillesum/
(the text says):
"A story of one little girl.
This miss suffered from anaemia and had a nervous breakdown caused by overwork. She was forbidden to write for at least a year.
Being in that state she ran into an old acquaintance, a French fencing teacher. He talked her into being her instructor for six months.
The therapy began.
For a week the little lady would lie every day on a roof of her guesthouse."
/Etty Hillesum/
"Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths. "
/Etty Hillesum/
(the text says):
"A story of one little girl.
This miss suffered from anaemia and had a nervous breakdown caused by overwork. She was forbidden to write for at least a year.
Being in that state she ran into an old acquaintance, a French fencing teacher. He talked her into being her instructor for six months.
The therapy began.
For a week the little lady would lie every day on a roof of her guesthouse."
18 sierpnia 2009
15 sierpnia 2009
14 sierpnia 2009
"W każdej zwykłej chwili ukryty jest niezwykły cud."
"Within each ordinary moment lies a extraordinary miracle."
moje wpisy do albumu haiku Urtiki
my entries for Urtica in a haiku challenge
(the text says):
"In the spring rain
a beautiful girl
i jeszcze jeden:
and one more:
i jego odwrotna strona:
and its back:
(the text says):
"I went to the flowers
I slept underneath them
that was my free time."
"Nikt tak naprawdę nie widzi kwiatu, jest tak mały. Nie mamy czasu, żeby go zobaczyć. Trzeba mieć na to czas, podobnie jak przyjaźń wymaga czasu."
/Georgia O'Keefe/
"Nobody sees a flower -
really - it is so small it takes time - we haven't time - and to see
takes time, like to have a friend takes time."
/Georgia O'Keefe/
/Georgia O'Keefe/
moje wpisy w albumie haiku Molli.
my entries for Molla's haiku challenge.
(the text says): "The way to heaven leads through the kettle."
(the text says):
"The kettle
hangs in mid-air
towards heaven."
(the text):
"Have trust
don't flower petals
fall down just as they should?"
13 sierpnia 2009
"Powiem ci co sądzę o jeździe na rowerze. Uważam, że ze wszystkich rzeczy na świecie to właśnie jazda na rowerze najwięcej zrobiła dla emancypacji kobiet. Daje kobietom poczucie wolności i niezależności. Za każdym razem, kiedy widzę kobietę na rowerze, zatrzymuję się i raduję tym widokiem...jest to obraz wolnej, nieskrępowanej kobiecości."
/Susan B. Anthony/
"Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. It gives women a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel…the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood."
/Susan B. Anthony/
/Susan B. Anthony/
(the text says):
left: "an elegant cyclist"
right: "Yes, cycling is a beautiful sport. So popular and so very cheap. You save 200 zlotys every month and after a year it turns out that you can get yourself a beautiful lady's bicycle (which - as every lady - has to be beautiful).
Nobody asks you where you took the money from. Nobody envies you. You don't pay a tax. Polish roads welcome you and spread themselves in front of the wheels.
Whether on your own or in a group, you climb the saddle and you get some pleasant daily activity, some sport, and a beautiful slender silhouette with no effort or trouble.
A bicycle was for your great grandmother an unattainable dream, the height of progress and a symbol of modernity."
left: "an elegant cyclist"
right: "Yes, cycling is a beautiful sport. So popular and so very cheap. You save 200 zlotys every month and after a year it turns out that you can get yourself a beautiful lady's bicycle (which - as every lady - has to be beautiful).
Nobody asks you where you took the money from. Nobody envies you. You don't pay a tax. Polish roads welcome you and spread themselves in front of the wheels.
Whether on your own or in a group, you climb the saddle and you get some pleasant daily activity, some sport, and a beautiful slender silhouette with no effort or trouble.
A bicycle was for your great grandmother an unattainable dream, the height of progress and a symbol of modernity."
10 sierpnia 2009
/Albert Einstein/
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious."
/Albert Einstein/
/Albert Einstein/
wyzwanie pod hasłem "tajemnica" na craftowie.
a challenge on craftowo themed: secret
(the text says):
Freud: "The great question - which I have not been able to answer, despite my thirty years of researching into the feminine soul is "What does a woman want?"
the lady: "To take a nap, doctor Freud, to take a nap."
(the text says):
Freud: "The great question - which I have not been able to answer, despite my thirty years of researching into the feminine soul is "What does a woman want?"
the lady: "To take a nap, doctor Freud, to take a nap."
9 sierpnia 2009
7 sierpnia 2009
"Jesteśmy z tego samego materiału co nasze sny."
/William Shakespeare/
"We are such stuff as dreams are made on."
/William Shakespeare/
(the text says) (bits from a dream book):
"paints: false hopes; to use them: successful business"
(the text): "dreams"
(the text says):
"Clouds: black - fear and worry; yellow - obstacles; bright - careless life; curyl - calm and happiness.
Blonde woman - infidelity.
Fountain - great joy."
/William Shakespeare/
"We are such stuff as dreams are made on."
/William Shakespeare/
(the text says) (bits from a dream book):
"paints: false hopes; to use them: successful business"
(the text): "dreams"
(the text says):
"Clouds: black - fear and worry; yellow - obstacles; bright - careless life; curyl - calm and happiness.
Blonde woman - infidelity.
Fountain - great joy."
6 sierpnia 2009
4 sierpnia 2009
"Jest tylko jedno lekarstwo na duże kłopoty - małe radości."
/Carl Heinrich Waggler/
"There is only one cure for big troubles - simple pleasures."
/Carl Heinrich Waggler/
(the text says):
"Top 10 of everyday life"
2. I adore coffee/5. silence/7. what I prefer are the books/9. jewellery/10. these shoes are very 'here and now'
/Carl Heinrich Waggler/
"There is only one cure for big troubles - simple pleasures."
/Carl Heinrich Waggler/
(the text says):
"Top 10 of everyday life"
2. I adore coffee/5. silence/7. what I prefer are the books/9. jewellery/10. these shoes are very 'here and now'
2 sierpnia 2009
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