31 lipca 2009

"Jeśli natchnienie nie przychodzi, sam wychodzę mu naprzeciw."

"When inspiration does not come to me, I go halfway to meet it."

lipcowe wyzwanie na craftowie - temat: natchnienie.

July challenge on craftowo - theme: inspiration.
(the text says):
"an unexpected ending of a visit to the studio."

30 lipca 2009

"Tak niewiele jest wolnych stron w moim kalendarzu zajęć, wolnych pomieszczeń, w których mogę zostać sama i odnaleźć siebie, wolnych godzin w ciągu dnia. Za dużo zajęć, ludzi, rzeczy i interesujących spotkań. Okazuje się, że nie tylko rzeczy trywialne zagracają nasze życie, ale także to, co ważne. Możemy posiadać nadmiar skarbów..."
/Anne Morrow Lindbergh/

"There are so few free pages in my agenda, so few free spaces where I can be alone and find myself, free hours during the day. Too many things to do, too many people, things and interesting meetings. It turns out that it's not just the commonplace things that clutter our life, but also the important ones. We can have too many treasures..."
/Anne Morrow Lindbergh/

28 lipca 2009

"Jeżeli zabałaganione biurko jest znakiem zabałaganionego umysłu, znakiem czego jest puste biurko?"
/Albert Einstein/

"If a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?"
/Albert Einstein/

(the text says):
left: "The power of a clean desk is yet another myth - you work badly if you have a messy desk. But tidy surroundings don't mean the guarantee of maximum of mobilisation. There are organic untidy people. Mess is their natural environment and their ideal work space. They dive into piles of paper and find exactly what they were searching for. Or they rummage endlessly in old newspapers and that is when they come up with brilliant new ideas. Office files, diaries, filing cabinets - none of that. Chaos serves them, and being tidy works like a stiff collar."
right: "Order is the pleasure of the reason. Mess is the delight of the imagination."

25 lipca 2009

mój pierwszy altered book dla Ani

my first altered book for Ania

(the text says):
on the jigsaw puzzles - "not even the rain"
the highlited text - "the sparrows from the roofs/every Sunday/very oftenthey would sit half a day/they talked a little/they understood each other perfectly/Isn't it delightful?/I don't know anything better/and that was enough for them/the trees seemed to shiver/they walked side by side in silence/they entered a small cafe"

(the text says):
left - "has such small hands"
"Nie musisz jechać do Indii, czy gdziekolwiek indziej, żeby odnaleźć spokój. Możesz znaleźć to miejsce głębokiej ciszy we własnym pokoju, ogrodzie lub nawet w swojej wannie."
/Elisabeth Kubler-Ross/

"There is no need to go to India or anywhere else to find peace. You will find that deep place of silence right in your room, your garden or even your bathtub. "
/Elisabeth Kubler-Ross /


22 lipca 2009

"Jednym z zadań prawdziwej przyjaźni jest współczujące i twórcze wsłuchiwanie się w ukryte cisze. Często sekretów nie ubiera się w słowa. Są one ukryte w ciszy pomiędzy słowami lub w głębi tego, co niewypowiedziane pomiędzy dwojgiem ludzi."
/John O'Donohue/

"One of the tasks of true frieship is to listen compassionately and creatively to the hidden silences. Often secrets are not revealed in words, they lie concealed in the silence between the words or in the depth of what is unsayable between two people."
/John O'Donohue/

19 lipca 2009

"Przyjaźń rodzi się w chwili, kiedy jedna osoba mówi do drugiej: >Naprawdę? Ty też?! Myślałam, że tylko ja tak mam.<"

"Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another: >What? You too? I thought I was the only one.<"

dla Urticy

for Urtica
(the text says):
"a coincidence or something more?/but is she happy?/where is the real world?/soul mates?/are you ready?/who to trust?/what does it mean?/who much can you stand?/do you dream?/really?/is anybody here?/happy end?/too emotional?/is it really?/whose life is this?/where are you?/who do you trust?/avoid words?/what's going to happen?"
(the text says):
"and what did you think?/who do I belong to?/exaggeration?/what if I forget?/fairy tale?/how much of me in me?/flight without wings?/what for?/what's going to change?/what have made you happe recently?/are you?/what are these signs?/isn't it utopia?"
 (the text says):
"you don't know the answer?"

17 lipca 2009

myśląc o Uli

thinking of Ula
(the text says):
"leave all the rush behind
you can rest and drink some tea
about a film we've seen and about everything that matters."
"(przyjaciel) jest kimś, kto nie jest ani naszym cieniem, ani naszym odbiciem, ani nawet naszym uzupełnieniem, tylko sobą samym, kto pozostawia nam boską swobodę, a jednak zmusza nas, abyśmy w pełni byli tym, czym jesteśmy."
/Marguerite Yourcenar/

"(a friend) is not our shadow or our reflection, not even someone who completes us. A friend is simply himself, it's somebody who gives us the divine freedom, and yet forces us to fully be who we are."
/Marguerite Yourcenar/

(the text says):
"This lady is awaiting a visit of a friend."
(the text says):
"coffee with a future
for many years to come"

15 lipca 2009

(the text says):
"somewhere i have never traveled, gladly beyond
any experience, your eyes have their silence:
in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,
your slightest look easily will unclose me"

"- Lato na ogół jest sezonem zupełnie nietwórczym.
- Czego brakuje latu?
- Lato ma zbyt dużo rzeczywistości, to jesień czy zima, pory roku ubogie, sprzyjają ewokacji świata, doświadczenia."
/Adam Zagajewski/

"- Summer is generally a season which isn't creative at all.
- What does summer lack?
- Summer has too much reality in it, it's autumn or winter, seasons which are very poor, that evoke the world and experience."
/Adam Zagajewski/

(the text says):
"it was quiet/it was raining/it's enough/to forget/a few words, some sentences/apart from tenderness I don't know any other longing/E."

14 lipca 2009

(the text says):
"Yes! I am shameless!"
"Nie życz mi szczęścia - w jakiś sposób to już poza mną. Życz mi odwagi, siły i poczucia humoru - będę potrzebować ich wszystkich."
/Anne Morrow Lindbergh/

"Don't wish me happiness-I don't expect to be happy it's gotten beyond that, somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor-I will need them all.
/Anne Morrow Lindbergh/

(the text says):
"Zosia is putting on her her red shoes."
"Jeśli nie możesz być poetą, bądź poematem."
/David Carradine/

"If you cannot be a poet, be the poem."
/David Carradine/

(the text says):
"You have no idea how powerful is your glance."
(the text says):
"look inside yourself"

12 lipca 2009

"Ktokolwiek podejmuje się tworzenia czegoś, stwierdza wkrótce, że w gruncie rzeczy tworzy sam siebie."
/Harold Rosenberg/

"Whoever undertakes to create soon finds himself engaged in creating himself."
/Harold Rosenberg/

11 lipca 2009

"Miłość jest jak rtęć trzymana w ręku. Otwórz dłoń, a ona tam pozostanie. Zaciśnij palce, a wtedy natychmiast przecieknie."
/Dorothy Parker/

"Love is like quicksilver in the hand. Leave the fingers open and it stays. Clutch it, and it darts away."
/Dorothy Parker/

(the text says):
"Beware of handsome dark-haired men!"
#1 - "He gets easily discouraged and embarrassed."
#2 - "He's a real >butterfly< - superficial yet likeable."
#3 - "He's very hard to get."
#4 - "He's domineeering and egocentric."

 (the text says):
left - "Men look better with power, unshaven beard and devil's charm."
"I make a strong impression."
"Watch out! He leads the girls astray."
right - "The owner of a sexy look and a deadly moustache."
"passionate and insatiable in love."
„Przyszłość należy do tych, którzy wierzą w piękno swoich marzeń”.
/Eleanor Roosevelt/

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
/Eleanor Roosevelt/

8 lipca 2009

(the text says):
"this is the moment to..."
"Włożenie kwiatów do wazonu o poranku może dać nam poczucie ciszy w zabieganym dniu."
/Anne Morrow Lindbergh/

"Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day."
/Anne Morrow Lindbergh/

(the text says):
"Drops of dew-
Is there anything better
To wash the dust of the world..."

7 lipca 2009

"Nigdy nie popełnił błędu ten, kto nie próbował niczego nowego."
/Albert Einstein/

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."
/Albert Einstein/

(the text says):
left - 'if you make a mistake"/"calm and self-control"/"thanks to intuition"
right - "well, yes, actually"/"courage"/"you say: to bad"

5 lipca 2009

"Najpiękniejsze są kobiety, które z ciężkim westchnieniem wtulają się w bezsenną noc. To przez nie mężczyźni nie śpią."
/Jerzy Duda-Gracz/

"The most beautiful women are those who nestle their heads into a sleepless night sighing heavily. They are the reason men can't sleep."
/Jerzy Duda-Gracz/

(the text says):
"Yes, women are inscrutable."
"What have you got in mind?"

4 lipca 2009

"Zawsze wyobrażałem sobie, że Raj będzie pewnego rodzaju biblioteką."
/Jorge Luis Borges/

"I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library."
/Jorge Luis Borges/

(the text says):
left - "Books are so beautiful because - if we are patient and careful - they arrive in our lives at the right moments." /Whitney Otto/
""Where is human nature so weak as in the bookstore?" /Henry Ward Beecher/
right - "A book is a universal cure."

2 lipca 2009

"Czujemy jak to, czym powinniśmy być, pulsuje tuż pod powierzchnią tego, czym jesteśmy."
/Philip Brooks/

(the text says):
"ask yourself 48 questions"
"1.when do you feel completely happy? what do you to be happy? 2.what does it have in common with art? 3.what do i want? 4.change? 5.new goals? 6.do brave people rule the world? 7.do you dream? 8.if not now, then when? 9.and why not? 10.how about tomorrow? 11.and what about the future? 12.have you got a hobby that completely absorbs you and which you do regularly? 13.are you changing your life? 14.modesty? 15.is that what you want? 16.do you create? 17.what decision shall i make? 18.where am i going? 19.who are you going to become? 20.how much depends on you? 21.what awaits you? 22.whose life is this? 23.why not? 24.does it sound like a dream? 25.what can i do? 26.impossible? 27.any idea how to live? 28.what do you dream about? 29.and talent? what's a talent? 30.shall i follow my heart? 31.a whim? 32.what worries you? 33.where shall i start? 34.what are your dreams? 35.and how about...? 36.who will you become when you grow up? 37.what can you do? 38.when? 39.is our life going to change completely? 40.what to choose? 41.what to do? 42.am i brave? 43.what are you waiting for? 44.how? 45.only how to do it? 46.what have you got to lose? 47.art? 48.am i scared?"