"Być może nasze ulubione cytaty więcej mówią o nas samych, niż o ich autorach."
/John Green/
"Maybe our favourite quotations say more about us than about the people we're quoting."
/John Green/
mój wpis do żurnalu Karoli, którego temat brzmi: "Czego o mnie nie wiecie?" cóż... nadszedł czas odsłonić tajemnice... ;)
this is my entry in Karola's art journal. the topic was: "Something you don't know about me." well, the time has come to reveal some secrets... ;)
this is my entry in Karola's art journal. the topic was: "Something you don't know about me." well, the time has come to reveal some secrets... ;)
{the text on the page above}: "Every cliché might seem fascinating when it's shrouded in mystery." (and it rhymes in Polish :) )
tak wygląda całość, a pańcia skrywa moją tajemnicę...above you can see the full spread and the pretty lady is revealing my secret...
{the text}: "I am quite ordinary."
{some more secrets on the hidden tag}: "She doesn't like to talk about herself. She prefers to quote."
"Confession is torture."