Skądże - dopiero/Wtedy zaczyna/Żyć - w tej sekundzie."
/Emily Dickinson/
"A word is dead/When it is said,/Some say.
I say it just/Begins to live/That day."
Emily Dickinson
to pierwsze strony z projektu, na który od dawna czekałam - Słownik Wyrazów Osobistych. {a tutaj p.s.}
rzecz jest prosta - zapraszamy do zabawy literami i słowami. w dowolnej kolejności i interpretacji. :)
these collages are the first pages of a book that I'm altering right now. it's a new exciting project called Personal Dictionary.we are going to play with words and letters and here are myAs.
(the above):
"A is for ach"

(the text says):
"Henryk Mader was considered to be one of the most handsome and elegant men in the capital."
i pochwalę się jeszcze papierowymi smakołykami, które przyleciały do mnie w pięknie ozdobionej kopercie z Singapuru. Wymiana Papierowa nieustannie wzbogaca mój świat.
I would also like to show off these delicious paper goodies that I got from June in our January Paper Swap. the envelope is a great piece of mail art and its content is as exciting.

June also made this beautiful journal for me. somehow she knew which words (just look at the cover) I so desperately needed...
June, I'm sending you a huge thank you across the world!!!