/A.A. Milne/
"The art of giving presents is to give something that can't be bought in any shop."
/A.A. Milne/
chciałabym wam pokazać zaledwie część wspaniałych podarunków, które zawitały w moim domu w okolicach świątecznych.
będę chwalić się w odcinkach. :)
dziękuję za pamięć o mnie i za uderzeniowe dawki serca i ciepła schowane do kopert i pudełek...
(the text on the card):
"a heart warms up"
"a heart warms up"
today I'd like to show you Episode 1 of all the gifts I received this Christmas from my darling blog friends.
it's incredible how much heart and warmth one can pack in a small envelope or a box...
it's incredible how much heart and warmth one can pack in a small envelope or a box...
kawałek domu Cynki:
a piece of Cynka's house:
this wonderful bag sewn by Michelle...

...the bag was hiding my very own personalized letter E.! I've always dreamed of my own letter like that and it's absolutely perfect.

z lewej Miszelkowy słoiczek smakowitości przyjaźnie przyprawionych, a z prawej choinki stworzone przez Tymonsyl - zielona wyrosła w 2010, a jej sąsiadka to rocznik 2009. marzy mi się cały las... ;)
the little jar on the left is filled with delicious nuts and fruits and peppered with Michelle's friendship.
the adorable Christmas trees were created by Tymonsyl this and last year. now I'm wishing for a whole forest of them... ;)
the adorable Christmas trees were created by Tymonsyl this and last year. now I'm wishing for a whole forest of them... ;)