/Susan B. Anthony/
"Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. It gives women a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel…the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood."
/Susan B. Anthony/
/Susan B. Anthony/
(the text says):
left: "an elegant cyclist"
right: "Yes, cycling is a beautiful sport. So popular and so very cheap. You save 200 zlotys every month and after a year it turns out that you can get yourself a beautiful lady's bicycle (which - as every lady - has to be beautiful).
Nobody asks you where you took the money from. Nobody envies you. You don't pay a tax. Polish roads welcome you and spread themselves in front of the wheels.
Whether on your own or in a group, you climb the saddle and you get some pleasant daily activity, some sport, and a beautiful slender silhouette with no effort or trouble.
A bicycle was for your great grandmother an unattainable dream, the height of progress and a symbol of modernity."
left: "an elegant cyclist"
right: "Yes, cycling is a beautiful sport. So popular and so very cheap. You save 200 zlotys every month and after a year it turns out that you can get yourself a beautiful lady's bicycle (which - as every lady - has to be beautiful).
Nobody asks you where you took the money from. Nobody envies you. You don't pay a tax. Polish roads welcome you and spread themselves in front of the wheels.
Whether on your own or in a group, you climb the saddle and you get some pleasant daily activity, some sport, and a beautiful slender silhouette with no effort or trouble.
A bicycle was for your great grandmother an unattainable dream, the height of progress and a symbol of modernity."
ha ha!
OdpowiedzUsuńtak bardzo teskniaca za niezaleznoscia...za rowerowaniem, ze dzieciaki do "budki", "budke" do roweru podlaczyc i hulaj dusza :)
a po "200" to faktycznie chyba zaczne odkladac ;)
Każdą Twoja pracę oglądam po prostu z zapartym tchem... Pozdrawiam!
OdpowiedzUsuńwszystko tu zawarłaś i wolność i radość; wróciła ekscytacja sześcioletniej dziewczynki na pierwszej samodzielnej wyprawie rowerowej:) dzięki!
OdpowiedzUsuńta radość jest w tych grochach pomarańczowych na tym tle zielonym :-D
OdpowiedzUsuńnie ma jak rower!
OdpowiedzUsuńrafija - dane finansowe z altered booka rocznik 1978 :)
OdpowiedzUsuńtymonsyl i cynka - radość widać głównie w kieliszku szampana pani z prawej :)))
dziękuję wszystkim za dobre słowo!
no prosze, praiwe takie "stare" jak ja ;)
OdpowiedzUsuńps. a moze ta praca ma cos wspolnego z :
pps. a pani z szampanem jak amazonka...