/Gustave Flaubert/
"The highest thing in art is not to make people laugh, or make people cry, or excite us or make us angry, but to do what nature does. That is, to make us dream."
/Gustave Flaubert/
/Gustave Flaubert/
(tekst na kolażu powyżej): "ale nazajutrz rano..."
(the collage on canvas above): "but the following morning..."
pewnego dnia w moim domu zawitało pudełko (właściwie to pudło) pachnące kawą....
one fine day not so long ago a huge (!) box giving off a gorgeous scent of coffee arrived on my doorstep...

Susan była moją partnerką w Wymianie Papierowej w edycji Fresh Start. słuszna nazwa.
wyobraźcie sobie Boże Narodzenie i urodziny w jednym.
wyobraźcie sobie, że nie macie w domu ani kawałka papieru czy jakichkolwiek przydasi. dzięki Susan mogłabym zacząć od zera.
a najbardziej niezwykłe było to, że nie chodzi nawet o samą ilość (a wierzcie mi, oszołomiona dosłownie usiadłam na podłodze) podarunków, ale też o niezwykłą umiejętność odgadywania o czym mi się od dawna marzyło. powtórzę: Czarodziejka!!!
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I'd like you to meet Susan - The Magic Woman. :)
Susan was my partner in Paper Swap exchange called Fresh Start. ah, ever so rightly.
imagine Christmas and birthday in one. imagine that you don't have a piece of paper or any embelishments whatsoever at home. thanks to Susan I could start a whole studio from scratch.
I was amazed but not only by the sheer amount (please, do believe me, I literally sat down on the floor. speechless.) of gifts but also by Susan's amazing ability of guessing my secret dreams.
I'll say that again: pure magic!!!
Susan was my partner in Paper Swap exchange called Fresh Start. ah, ever so rightly.
imagine Christmas and birthday in one. imagine that you don't have a piece of paper or any embelishments whatsoever at home. thanks to Susan I could start a whole studio from scratch.
I was amazed but not only by the sheer amount (please, do believe me, I literally sat down on the floor. speechless.) of gifts but also by Susan's amazing ability of guessing my secret dreams.
I'll say that again: pure magic!!!
kilka przykładów na hojność Susan?
poprosiłam ją wcześniej o kilka stron ze starych słowników, za którymi przepadam. i co? dostałam CAŁY słownik... plus jeszcze kilka apetycznych książek...
some examples of Susan's generosity?
I asked her to send me some vintage dictionary pages that I adore and...she sent me a WHOLE dictionary! plus some more really inspiring books...

in her e-mail Susan asked me whether I would be interested in some Somerset Studio papers. after I wrote to her that there are no such inspiring magazines here in Poland I received...

żałuję, że nie zrobiłam zdjęcia całej przesyłce, ale byłam zbyt oszołomiona. poniżej wybrane elementy.
I wish I had taken a photo of the whole package but I was way too overwhelmed to think clearly.
so just a couple of photos.

nadal oszołomiona wielkim sercem Susan.
as you might guess, I can'y stop playing with my new treasures.
thank you so much once again for your generosity and incredible thoughtfulness!
Wspaniałe prezenty!
OdpowiedzUsuńOOWOOWOOHhh... how amazingly generous of Susan!!!! I would be overly-thrilled also... you deserve it girl! How are the Sommerset magazines? They don't sell them here either, and I'm so curious! There must be a lot of inspiration in there! Have fun playing with all the new goodies dear!
OdpowiedzUsuńZazdroszczę prezentów, ale czy mogły trafić w lepsze ręce??? Czekam na efekt inspiracji:)