/Manuela Gretkowska/
(...) right into this test-tube in the shape of a woman's body one adds a drop of angry hormones. The liquid is emitting smoke, it's sizzling. What's left is the sediment of sadness."
/Manuela Gretkowska/
/Manuela Gretkowska/
to jeden z najlepszych opisów PMS jakie czytałam.
to pierwsza z serii prac, które powstają z okazji drugiej pełni księżyca obchodzonej na Collage Caffe.
w tym miesiącu Urtica zaproponowała zająć się szeroko pojętą fizyczną stroną kobiecości. temat bez dna, więc wkrótce ciąg dalszy. oczywiście zapraszamy do stolika. :)
a na deser - pamiętacie tę broszkę Anity?
the quote above is one of the best descriptions of PMS I've ever read.
my collage was made for a monthly challenge on Collage Caffe: Women and the Moon.
this month Urtica asked us to think about the physical side of being a woman and PMS was my first thought. however, the topic is so broad that there are certainly more pages coming...
my collage was made for a monthly challenge on Collage Caffe: Women and the Moon.
this month Urtica asked us to think about the physical side of being a woman and PMS was my first thought. however, the topic is so broad that there are certainly more pages coming...
and speaking of PMS - take a look at this brooch made by Anita.
mijający tydzień był Tygodniem Pieknej Koperty. :)
najpierw przyleciało to cudo od Erin, z którą wymieniałam się przy okazji Paper Swap - edycja: Gazety. prawda, że niezwykła?
this week was for me a Week of Gorgeous Mail Art. :)
first, I received this beauty from Erin, my partner in Newspapers & Magazines Paper Swap.
I think it's one of the most amazing envelopes I've got. EVER!

some of my favorite pieces that I got from Erin. my scissors are telling me they can't wait to have fun. ;)

and this small collage made by Erin. it's perfect for my Women & the Moon journal.

kolejny zachwyt przyleciał od kochanej Guriany...
but that's not the end of my mail art adventures.
here's another sweet packaging I received from my good friend Guriana...

and inside - there was one of her gorgeous creations.
for those of you who don't know that yet, my blog name translates as "two sixteen" like the hour on the clock. :)

Kolaż obłędny! Na miniaturce jak widziałam, to sądziłam że tą Panią zaatakowały ostrza noża ;)A prezenciki do pozazdroszczenia!
OdpowiedzUsuńSZCZESCIARA, PO PROSTU SZCZĘŚCIARA, od kilku dni podglądam twoje prezenty :):):) i zazdraszczam
a tak przy okazji frywolna panienka od Ciebie poleciała do elfika ;-)
Wonderful art stuff, dear! So nice to see Erin's things xo