/Thomas Eliot/
"It's not a waste of time if you enjoy the time you waste."
/Thomas Eliot/
efekt współ-tworzenia z dwiema niezwykłymi kobietami.
album haiku we współpracy z Urticą i Mollą.
the effect of a collaboration with two extraordinary ladies.
a haiku journal made with Urtica and Molla.
(the text says):
"remember the moment"

strony wstępu
intro pages
(the text says):
"choose two haiku poems (use as much space as you wish).
the leitmotif is: fleeting moments, stopping the time, poetry of the everyday.
have a good time!"
the girls: "the cooperation is a matter of chemistry."
around the centre: "the beauty of the everyday/a moment of rest/a fleeting moment/inspiring, isn't it?/fleeting things/capture the moment/I create therefore I am/small miracles of the everyday/inspirations"

intro page
(the text): "three women, three points of view"

my entry
oby dużo czasu takiego :-)