12 września 2010

"Dzięki miłości i przyjaźni serce może przeżyć więcej niż tylko jedno życie."
/Anais Nin/

"Through love, through friendship, a heart lives more than one life."
/Anais Nin/

małe płótno, które zrobiłam dla LaWenduli.

a small canvas I made for LaWendula.

my Schwester, thank you so much for your friendship, your warmth and keeping me inspired. :)
lots and lots of love


7 komentarzy:

  1. klimat jak z pompejskich murów...piękne

  2. And as true sisters we posted it at the same time. (See wovenletters) ;)
    Thank YOU for being in my life and for this wonderful present, that says it all! xox

  3. ooo my ... the A Nin quote and your lovely canvas ... the reflection of the image is such a touching part of this too

    I Loved seeing your collaged cigar box at Craft Imaginarium ... what a treasure that is!

    Happy Weekend to you and yours Dear One!
