"Zawsze wyobrażałem sobie, że Raj będzie pewnego rodzaju biblioteką."
/Jorge Luis Borges/
"I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library."
/Jorge Luis Borges/
(the text says):
left - "Books are so beautiful because - if we are patient and careful - they arrive in our lives at the right moments." /Whitney Otto/
""Where is human nature so weak as in the bookstore?" /Henry Ward Beecher/
right - "A book is a universal cure."
/Jorge Luis Borges/
(the text says):
left - "Books are so beautiful because - if we are patient and careful - they arrive in our lives at the right moments." /Whitney Otto/
""Where is human nature so weak as in the bookstore?" /Henry Ward Beecher/
right - "A book is a universal cure."
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